25.05.2018 - Vox Populi
počet přečtení: 2513
vytvořeno 25.05.2018, upraveno 25.05.2018
"The research tools of economy have become more and more obscured, their range wider and wider, and models more complex, at the same time more and more distant from morality and ethics. Study of ‚ maximization ‘as the main thought mode has disfigured economy to robotic efficiency."
- the famous Chinese economist Ma Kuang-jüan.
According to Naomi Klein, (a Canadian journalist, writer, feminist and activist): "Globalized" branded "tyranny" has created a world that is ruled by corporations instead of governments, and in which the most important expression of our values and identities is not citizenship, but consumerism".
Political representations in many cases are not in favour of the interests of the people, but above all economic interests, large multinational corporations and foreign investors who, to a great extent, only look for profits at all costs to the detriment of people, nature and future generations.
It should also be remembered that, until recently, human rights have been violated, for example, in the name of security, they are now being violated to a great extent in the interest of this economic growth of certain interest groups.
The solution to this situation is, for example, that individual citizens oppose to those who call human rights a threat to economic development or security. At least such a solution is proposed by the international human rights organization Amnesty International (AI). The need to fight for the core values of human dignity and equality has never been greater, says one of the AI's annual reports.
Let us choose a more economical and considerate way of economy, for example through ecological economy, which defines its goals as seeking a path to a steady (equilibrium) state of the economy and a fair distribution of resources, not only from the point of view of present but also future generations.
Let us also seek ways of self-sufficiency. Each of us can be an example.
All well-known economists of the past have taken the path to promote human development, moral advancement and care for the lives of vulnerable people in society.
Main topics of the section
The economy is growing, how, for whom, where, and at what price.
Maximization of profit and maximization of meaning.
Friendly economy.
What does it have a bigger value: growth or balance?
Do we need to produce more or to maintain certain values?
Did not the hunger for the rise in GDP turned the sense of human action into the pursuit of numbers lacking rational and meaningful values?
Get involved. Send incentives and proposals for cooperation.
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