09.10.2018 - Jiří Plicka
počet přečtení: 2051
vytvořeno 09.10.2018, upraveno 09.10.2018

Letecký pohled na těžební oblast a zbytky lesa v Hambachu. (


As we have already informed in the previous article, Germany is fighting for a 12,000-year-old forest. In the last few weeks, the North Rhine-Westphalia (NRW) has been very much in the battle between RWE coal miners and forest protectors. They was fighting for the rest of the Hambach Forest (HABACHER FORST), which "stands in the way" of coal mining as one of the last green islands in the surrounding moonland.

The defense of the forest made the general public irrespective of social origin, denomination or other affiliation, and created a wave of calm but strong civil resistance against RWE's miners, but also against North Rhine-Westphalia's Prime Minister Armin Laschet (CDU) the miners supporter.

The wave of long-term, dedicated and persistent popular resistance, hand in hand with the well-founded legal arguments of the defenders of the Hambacher Forest, found support from the German court. The Munster Supreme Administrative Court upheld the BUND Forest Defenders' proposal and, by decree on October 5, 2018, stopped the felling of the forest. It abolished the original Cologne Administrative Court ruling, where the BUND (Protectors of Forests) originally applied for legal protection against RWE plans that required the removal of the forest. The Forest Protection Committee's proposal was therefore initially rejected.

Another administrative court in Achen, has abolished a police ban on demonstrations to defend the Hambacher Forst.

A video shot by a forest rescue activist

PHOTOGALLERY: 50,000 people protest against harvesting the forest.

The civic wave to help rescue the Hambacher Forest is well-deserved success. Congratulations!

The Administrative Court in Cologne will now have to review the evidence of the parties, RWE and BUND, in due process. RWE will have to document and prove in particular the rationality and merit of liquidating the Hambacher Forest in favor of coal mining, which is the fuel of the past and enriches only the pockets of a narrow circle of miners and their friends at the expense of the vast majority of the population and nature. The future seems to be evidence of the BUND.

RWE are now declaring the alleged losses, and they may want to offset them by raising their product prices or mining in countries where there is a weak or underdeveloped civil society, like most Eastern European countries, including the Czech Republic. After all, miners in the Czech Republic continue to hide plans to break the limits of brown coal mining in northern Bohemia, as it is still a "big deal" for them.

It will only depend on the citizens of these countries, whether they enjoy the practice of miners or whether they will support some of the promising technologies of electricity generation and heat of the future.

TIPS from the German Press:

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