Traditional medicine in danger: Czech supporters sent letter to WHO
16.07.2018 - Vox Populi
počet přečtení: 1817
vytvořeno 16.07.2018, upraveno 16.07.2018
Traditional medicine in danger: Czech supporters sent letter to WHO. ( |
In September 2017 in Czech Republic began to apply an amendment to the law, which allows the teaching of non-medical professions including Chinese medicine therapists. Senators Derner and Plaček now want to cancel it. Read more here...
The Union of Supporters of Traditional Chinese Medicine sent complaint to WHO against the Czech Republic about the non-fulfilment of obligations from the Constitution of the World Health Organization.
Supporters asking WHO for the rectification of this situation and for a written answer or position statement of WHO local office to current situation in Czech Republic.
Below is full letter to WHO:
Head of WHO Office
Dr. Karwowska Paulina Marianna Number of sheets: 2/SV
Rytířská 31 (3rd floor) Attachment: Position
110 00 Praha 1
Our reference number: 1002/2018-Se-UPTČ
Re: Position of the Union of Proponents of Traditional Chinese Medicine, NGO registration number: 06399959, on the proposal of the Czech Senate draft law put forward by the senators Vladimír Plaček and Alena Dernerová amending the law No. 96/2004, on the conditions of the acquisition and recognition of qualification for the performance of non-medical health care professions and for the performance of activities related to the provision of health care and on the amendment of some related laws (the law about non-medical health care professions), in the wording of subsequent regulations (hereinafter referred to only as „proposal of the Senate draft law“, or “Proposal”)
Complaint against the Czech Republic about the non-fulfilment of obligations from the Constitution of the World Health Organization
Dear Sirs and Madams,
in September 2017 has come into force the amendment of the law No. 96/2004, which makes possible the practice in non-medical professions for the Chinese Medicine (TCM) therapists.
At this moment, the proposal of the Senate draft law put forward by the senators Alena Dernerová and Vladimír Plaček purports revoking the changes from Summer 2017 and restoring the previous situation. We do not agree with such a Proposal, a.o. for its conflict with norms of a higher legal force and with the will of a significant part of people living, staying and visiting Czech Republic.
In the enclosure to this filing we are sending you for a further use our Position paper+ (standpoint) on this matter which is also published here.
The legislation proposed by the senators Dernerová and Plaček contravenes the international treaties by which the Czech Republic is bound. The conflict with international treaties on the protection of human rights and freedoms is analysed in detail in the enclosed „Position“, item 2, which we are enclosing.
„In addition to the above-mentioned reproaches, the Czech Republic acts as if it is not a full member of the World Health Organization (WHO) at all, whereas the WHO strategy for traditional medicine has been worked out and launched in response to the resolution of the World Health Organization (WHO) on traditional medicine (WHA 62.13).
The aim of the strategy is to support the member states in the creation of proactive action plans which will strengthen the role played by traditional medicines in the maintenance of a healthy population.“
See in more detail here.
WHO can be hardly suspected of supporting the charlatans.
It should be mentioned that WHO was founded on July 22, 1946, Czechoslovakia was one of the founding members and its founding dokument titled Constitution of the World Health Organization was approved in New York on July 22, 1946 and came into force on April 7, 1948 when it was ratified by the necessary number of 26 states, including the Czechoslovak Republic. The WHO Constitution is binding for the Czech Republic. WHO has 193 member states.
The cradle of TCM is China, according to WHO figures it is taught and practiced in many other countries.
Among other things – nobody has asked nor is asking the people, citizens about their opinion.
It is obvious, that current situation as outlined by the Czech Senate Proposal, goes not only against Czech citizens and people staying in Czech Republic, but also contradicts with WHO effort of worldwide implementation of more complex approach to the health care, as represented a.o. by WHO International Classification of Diseases ICD-11, which implementing phase should start in member states in June 2018. Czech Senate Proposal is a direct road block for implementing ICD-11 Chapter 26 (TM1).
We are kindly expecting andasking you for the rectification of this situation from your position of the Head of local WHO Office with respective Czech authorities and are also kindly asking you for a written answer, i.e. position statement of WHO local office to current Czech situation
Jiří Plicka
President of the association
„Union of Proponents of Traditional Chinese Medicine“