25.05.2018 - Vox Populi
počet přečtení: 2405
vytvořeno 25.05.2018, upraveno 25.05.2018


"Science is afraid to cross certain boundaries, otherwise, it could help people. Yet, it was not afraid to cross other boundaries, however, it would do better if it had not done so."

                                                                                                                         - from thoughts on the boundaries of science.


veda a vyzkum

Science and research should form an important part of the development of humanity and serve to advance and improve human life. They should act in accordance with "higher morality," and the results of scientific research should serve the benefit of all mankind.

Science should therefore serve to better understand the rules of the world and enable people to live more in harmony with nature. And if scientific research goes beyond the boundaries of our planet, it should enable people to understand cosmic patterns and help people live better in harmony with them.

Does today's science serve humanity and is in harmony with the nature and the laws of the universe, or have we, as human beings, come to this somewhat treacherous path? Some scientists believe that they can play with natural laws without obligation of restraint or awareness of ethical or moral boundaries, going beyond these boundaries in the name of science, or to make any experiments without taking responsibility for them.

Some even play with the microscopic structures of matter and living organisms to change them randomly and create completely unnatural objects, see, for example, gene engineering and genetically modified organisms (GMO).

Are not our basic human rights undermined by such an approach? And how can we protect ourselves?

On this website, therefore, we will focus on the dangers resulting from the "development" of science and technology for the purpose of technological competition, no matter what the consequences such steps will bring to mankind.

On the contrary, many of the eco-friendly energy sources and traditional breeding and cropping methods could significantly reduce the environmental pollution and improve the quality of life.

some inventions and discoveries that could help people to a more valuable life are undeservedly neglected or intentionally concealed.

All scientific inventions, however, do not change the fact that they are essentially discoveries of the effects of natural laws that have been here for a long time, and humanity only learn to know and use them!

Advanced civilizations have set out the way of recognizing and respecting laws and harmonizing society's integration into the world and surrounding nature, instead of trying to change them. Deviating from natural patterns tends to be more catastrophic in the long run.


 Main topics of the section

  • What does the concept of science mean and how do we understand it?

  • Science as a great servant, but evil master.

  • New technologies.

  • Old civilizations, their science and wisdom.

  • How to live better in accordance with the natural and cosmic laws?


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