Information on handing over a petition to support biotronics to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic with over 40,000 petitioners. Professional Chamber of Sanator - Association of Biotronics Josef Zezulka Convenes Press Conference - Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the World, July 26, 2018 at 10:30 pm Soukenická 21, Prague. The petition responds to a one-sided media campaign against alternative medicine. We want to draw attention to the public's interest in alternative medicine, respectively to Josef Zezulka`s Biotronics. Our short-term goal is to participate in the legislative process and bring relevant information about the situation in the world to professionals and the general public...

FB announced they were deleting "fake accounts" this week. Zuckerberg himself has announced that he will hire an additional 3,000 employees to shut down 'fake news' pages of this platform. Their definition of 'fake news' includes groups with labels of organic, natural, traditional, wellness, health and love, brighten my soul. Certainly looks like they've targeting deleted anything that threatens the Pharma money flow...