Seřadí články sestupně (Z-A, 10-1)
Can the investment group BlackRock influence the new Czech government?

On the day of the appointment of the new Czech government, the world's largest asset manager, investment group BlackRock, urged international investors not to lend to the Czech cabinet. BlackRock works with the Czech National Bank and a number of central banks and governments in Europe...

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The wave of long-term, dedicated and persistent popular resistance, hand in hand with the well-founded legal arguments of the defenders of the Hambacher Forest, found support from the German court. The Munster Supreme Administrative Court upheld the BUND Forest Defenders' proposal and, by decree on October 5, 2018, stopped the felling of the forest. It abolished the original Cologne Administrative Court ruling, where the BUND (Protectors of Forests) originally applied for legal protection against RWE plans that required the removal of the forest. The Forest Protection Committee's proposal was therefore initially rejected...

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Save Hambach forest: Stand in solidarity with the Hambach forest activists

The Hambach forest in Germany is 12,000 years old. Less than a tenth of it remains. Now the German coal giant, RWE, wants to destroy more forest to expand its dirty mine—and police have begun forcibly removing the people trying to protect it. Sign the petition to stop the destruction and call for a timely phase out of coal in Germany...

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Avaaz movement won litigation with Monsanto. The judge gave Monsanto a lecture on democracy and free speech

Monsanto filed a lawsuit against the international Avaaz movement, which, among other things, fights against the use of glyphosate, a herbicide that is one of Monsanto's leading products. Avaaz is an international volunteer movement, which has long been opposed to a multinational corporation with multi-billion-dollar capital and very dubious practices. Monsanto legally enforce a subpoena of Avaaz Foundation. Required to provide all information of Avaaz campaigns related to Monsanto. This includes any e-mail Avaaz send, the names of the people who participated in the campaigns, the records of all events organized by Avaaz in connection with Monsanto, and so on...

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Towards an alternative medicine

Information on handing over a petition to support biotronics to the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic with over 40,000 petitioners. Professional Chamber of Sanator - Association of Biotronics Josef Zezulka Convenes Press Conference - Alternative Medicine (CAM) in the World, July 26, 2018 at 10:30 pm Soukenická 21, Prague. The petition responds to a one-sided media campaign against alternative medicine. We want to draw attention to the public's interest in alternative medicine, respectively to Josef Zezulka`s Biotronics. Our short-term goal is to participate in the legislative process and bring relevant information about the situation in the world to professionals and the general public...

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Why Medicine Leads the Professions in Suicide, and What We Can Do About It

Earlier this month, one of us visited a prominent U.S. medical school to give a lecture on the topic of burnout and how physicians can find more fulfillment in the medical profession. Sadly, that very day, a fourth-year medical student there took her own life. The problem was not personal failure; she had recently gotten into a competitive residency program at one of the nation’s most prestigious hospitals. Yet apparently, she still found the prospect of the life ahead more than she could bear...

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The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine

The Chestnut School of Herbal Medicine is located in the botanically rich Appalachian Mountains, just outside of Asheville, NC. We offer several online opportunities to learn, including the Herbal Medicine Making Course, the Foraging Course: Edible and Medicinal Wild Herbs, and the Herbal Immersion Program...

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Traditional medicine in danger: Czech supporters sent letter to WHO

In September 2017 in Czech Republic began to apply an amendment to the law, which allows the teaching of non-medical professions including Chinese medicine therapists. Senators Derner and Plaček now want to cancel it. The Union of Supporters of Traditional Chinese Medicine sent complaint to WHO against the Czech Republic about the non-fulfilment of obligations from the Constitution of the World Health Organization. Supporters asking WHO for the rectification of this situation and for a written answer or position statement of WHO local office to current situation in Czech Republic...

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Traditional medicine in danger: Czech Republic has adopted law about training og therapists, senators trying to cancel it

In September 2017 in Czech Republic began to apply an amendment to the law, which allows the teaching of non-medical professions including Chinese medicine therapists. Senators Derner and Plaček now want to cancel it. Current Minister of Health Adam Vojtěch start to criticise Traditional Chinese Medicine and senators Alena Dernerová and Vladimír Plačka now want to enforce amendment of law No. 96 / 2004Sb. This amendment enforce will repealed the provisions adopted in the summer of 2017 on the introduction of professional competence to practice traditional Chinese medicine in Czech Republic, professional qualifications, minimum requirements for study programs and training programs, and study programs to acquire professional competence...

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HFI: Facebook Deletes Health, Wellness, Organic and Natural Living Accounts in the Name of Fake News

FB announced they were deleting "fake accounts" this week. Zuckerberg himself has announced that he will hire an additional 3,000 employees to shut down 'fake news' pages of this platform. Their definition of 'fake news' includes groups with labels of organic, natural, traditional, wellness, health and love, brighten my soul. Certainly looks like they've targeting deleted anything that threatens the Pharma money flow...

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